Introduction To Programming And Programming Languages

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programming world


Writing programs or instructions by using some computer programming language like C, C++, JAVA, PYTHON etc, for accomplishing some  specific task, services, action and functionality by using computer system for  user desired purpose called programming.
Programming is like real world planning for something because that whenever we are planning something like picnic we decide how many actions we will performs there, when go there, when coming here from there, how many time we will spend there, how many people go there and what will do there etc in the picnic, also in programming we step by step write instructions or programs (code) that will be read and executes by the by computer system for accomplishing user desired some specific programs or task, services and actions etc.
In computer world who writes programs are called programmer, and process is called programming.
The main purpose of programming is to solve real world problem by using computer system with their understandable languages.

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Introduction to languages

What is language?

The languages are way to communication, we use languages for shares or express our thoughts, views, ideas, knowledge, opinion to the peoples. The languages are plays very important role in our daily life. The languages are the ways to understand anything in the world in very easily because it is easy to writes and understand by the people.
We use many languages in our daily life like Hindi, English, Bengali, Marathi, Urdu, etc for sharing or expressing something to the others peoples. So the language have lots of advantages in ours life.
How many types of language we use?
There are mainly two types of languages that we are use.
2. Computer languages.

Natural Languages

The languages which are used to communication between human to human is called natural language. Like Hindi, English, French, Bengali etc are the natural languages. The  languages are plays important role in ours daily life, without language we cannot effectively and easily shares or expresses our thoughts, idea, and knowledge to another person.
The languages are the ways to understand easily anything in the world.

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natural languages

Computer Languages

We all know that the computer system cannot understand the natural or human language because they are just machine they have no any  emotions and feelings to understand anything like human being. Whenever we wants computer do something for ours desired purpose then first of all we need to instructs to the computer system in their understandable languages. So we use computer languages to communication between human to computer that the language computer system understand. The language which is used to communication between human to computer system is called computer languages like C, C++, Java, Python, JavaScript etc.

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computer languages

Types Of Computer Programming Languages:

There are three types of computer programming languages:
1. Machine Languages.
2. Assembly Languages.
3. High-Level Languages.

Machine Languages

Machine language is called the language of computer that the computer system understand only.
The machine language in the computer world is represented by the consists of two binary digits that 0's and 1's.The machine language is written by using these sequence of combination of two binary digits 0’s and 1’s.
In machine language whenever we want computer do something, then we write everything by using combinations of 0’s and 1’s sequences. Using this language whatever you want to input to computer  has to be supplied in the forms of sequence of of 0’s and 1’s .
For Example: character A May be represented as 01100101 ,0 itself may be represented as 01001000 and so on.

machine languages, c programming language, machine level languages, languages of computer, binary digits, binary number
machine language instructions

Features of this language are

#1. The machine language consists of sequence of two binary digits that is of 0’s and 1’s.
#2. Machine languages are called natural languages of computers.
#3. The machine instruction(code) internally converted in sequences of combinations 0's and 1's that further also converted into electric signals.
#4. Each and every instruction, command or operation must be stated in the form of sequences 0's and 1's.
#5. Execution of program is very fast if the instruction were written in machine language (instructions) because they are directly understand by the computer system.
#6. Machine language (instructions) are the are machine dependent.
#7. Machine language is  difficult to write(programs), and very tough modify and error finds from it.
#8. The machine language does not required any translator. 

Assembly Languages

Assembly language are commonly called  assembly, asm or symbolic languages. The assembly languages are machine languages but they use some human readable symbols or  code that will easily understand by the human being.
The assembly languages use some human-readable notation for the writing instruction for the computer system. The assembly languages are the depends on computer system architecture, different- different machine supports different assembly languages for process instructions.
In the assembly languages having separate translator to converted instruction to the corresponding machine languages.
The translator are used to converts assembly language instructions to machine language instructions is called assembler. In assembly language symbolic notation are called mnemonics or asm codes.

assembly language, cprogramming language, symbolic languages, computer languages
assembly language instructions

Features of this language are

#1. In the assembly language mnemonics code or notations is used to write  instruction or  programs for computer system, they are small words like Add, Sub, Mul, Div which represent addition, subtraction  and division etc.
#2. For writing instructions or programs set of mnemonics are made fixed for a specific  type of machine or computer systems. The instructions are written using these mnemonics but internally converted(translated) into machine language instruction.
#3. For translating a assembly instruction into machine instruction a translator is required is called assembler of that language. In assembly language world each and every assembly language have a different-different assembler.
#3. Assembler is any system software which is specific for a specific machine.
#4. Assembly languages are Easier to understand and modify and error finding.
#5. Assembly languages are Easy to locate and correct errors.

High-Level Languages

The high level language is combinations of machine and assembly languages. We have seen that assembly language and machine language, require deep knowledge of computer hardware where as in high level language require you to you
have to know only the instruction like  English languages words.
High level languages are simple languages that are use English like words and mathematical symbols like +, - ,%, /,* etc for its program constructions. High level languages enables programmer to concentrate more on the logic and less on the syntax.
In the high level languages also require translator for converting  instruction or program in corresponding machine language instructions is called compiler of interpreter.
high level languages, c programming languages, programming, core computer languages, c language, programming
high level language instruction

Features of this language are:

#1. In high level languages program are written in simple English like language.
#2. In high level language programmer are more concentrate on the programs logic and don't worry about hardware configurations.
#3. In high level language every instruction of program is translated into corresponding machine language instructions.
#4. High level language are easy write and use and modify.
#5. In high level language have very less error prone.
#6. In high level language a separate translator is required. 

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