Program To Check Whether A Year Leap Or Not

Check whether a year leap year or not leap year
This is our first program in C programming language. This C program will print the text
“Hello World!” on the console output screen. In this post we will learn how to 
write a C Program and explore each statements in this C Program and many more.

      Program : Print Hello World
      Filename : helloworld.c
      IDE Used To Developed : CodeBlocks
      Developed By : Pavito Golui
  int main()
        int year;
         printf("Enter a year : ");
                printf("%d is leap year",year);
                printf("%d is not leap year",year); 

Output :

  Enter a year : 2020
  2020 is leap year

Explanation Of Each Statements In The Program:-
To learn any programming language, practical is must important than others factors. First of
all we learn and understand the language and then we implements, each things related to 
the language and explore about it. After all we are interested in making products (Software)
by using that language.

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